If you are a company bidding on projects in the field of international aid and development, then you know exactly how crucial it is to review the previous projects and tenders from a donor organization or financing agency ahead of competition.
Indeed, researching and analyzing the completed projects and awarded tenders and grants is a critical first step for companies seeking to put together a successful bid on a development aid project.
In this article, we’ll show you just how easy it is to use the BidNexus app to find and analyze current and historical activity of a donor organization or financing agency working in the field of international development.
One-click Integration
DevelopmentAid is the world’s leading provider of information about tenders, grants, and ongoing activity in the field of international aid and development. Because BidNexus app was built by the same team of business data professionals at DevelopmentAid, finding information about a donor organization’s or financing agency’s project experience and tender award history is plain and easy.
Simply log into your DevelopmentAid member account and click on “Donors” to choose the organization you are analyzing. To begin refining your search, choose the “Tenders” or “Awards” tab from the sub-menu header. Once you have selected one or more projects by the donor that you‘re analyzing, all it takes is one click to export the relevant information over to your BidNexus app.
After the data has been successfully transferred over to the BidNexus app, you can append your own comments, notes, and internal tracking numbers as part of your research process. And because BidNexus is built with the highest level of security, all of that information will remain confidential and private, giving your company the security it needs to make the best business decisions.
Important to note that information about the project activity and history of a donor organization or financing agency can also be imported to BidNexus from other sources than DevelopmentAid’s databases.
All the Relevant Data At Your Fingertips
The BidNexus app has been specifically designed so that all of the information in your proprietary database is searchable. Whether you wish to analyze previously awarded projects by keyword, date, or by other parameters, BidNexus lets you instantly find the information you are looking for.
The app’s powerful search engine lets you comb through emails, status updates, notes, communications, and even proposals to find exactly the information you are looking for. Best of all, BidNexus keeps all of this information in one place, so you’ll never have to go through multiple document formats spread across multiple systems in order to find exactly what you’re looking for.
The app’s algorithm is designed to surface the most relevant data with every search, giving your company a strategic advantage through the entire project acquisition process. Instead of having to cobble together an analysis summary of a donor organization or financing agency’s activities, awards, and completed projects, BidNexus lets you instantly collate all of that information right inside the app.
With BidNexus’s innovative and powerful search functionality, all of the information that you’ve ever gathered about a donor organization or financing agency is right there at your fingertips.
Competitive Advantage
Companies working in the field of international aid and development project implementation know just how important it is to quickly access, understand, and analyze the history of donor organizations and financing agencies in order to put together a winning bid for a tender or grant.
Instead of spending countless hours collating information from different sources, databases, and records in order to analyze a donor organization or financing agency’s tender awards and winning proposals, the BidNexus app lets you import and collate that information from DevelopmentAid with one click. Once that information is securely stored in your encrypted BidNexus database, your company will have a significant competitive advantage in putting together winning bids for projects.
Thanks to its seamless integration with DevelopmentAid’s vast databases, BidNexus makes it simple to summarize, analyze, and research a donor organization or financing agency’s project experience and tender awards. And with its built-in search engine, every related document and piece of data related to a donor’s project experience and tender awards is always right there at your fingerprints. In short, BidNexus is the only tool you’ll ever need to research and submit a winning bid for your next proposal. Discover it now!