Ever since the first factory assembly lines started rolling out products more than a hundred years ago, companies have continually looked for new ways to keep track of their automated processes, and that includes project management.
Whether you’re operating a small company or managing a large portfolio of donor-funded projects, in this article we’ll show you three ways to organize, maintain and track all aspects of your operation using just one simple app.

Organize Leads/Candidates/Proposals
One of the most important aspects of any project or tender application is identifying, interviewing, and hiring employees and consultants and the best way to streamline this process is by using a single app to handle this for you.
A good project management app such as BidNexus will include a dynamically updated database of CVs that automatically purges duplicate records. The app should also allow candidates themselves to update their CVs and contact information. The built-in filters help you to screen candidates more efficiently to develop shortlists.
BidNexus runs with an emailing capability to reach out to potential candidates and schedule interviews. And, like all the very best management apps, it also tracks successful hires so that you can track each project to completion.

Track Interactions with Experts, Partners
and Vendors
Projects often involve managing a wide number of third-party contributions from experts, partners, and vendors. When it comes to managing not one but several bids and projects with dozens of consultants, things can and will get messy.
A comprehensive app such as BidNexus makes it simple to record, track and analyze all the third-party activity related to your project, including records of which experts, partners, and vendors were consulted, what information or services they provided, and how much money was spent.
Naturally, all this information should be recorded in one place, making it easy both to track the lifecycle of the project as well as ensure that your data is protected and adheres to all relevant privacy laws and regulations.

Monitor Awards and Statuses
With project tenders regularly being issued, updated and awarded, it is essential to have their status information readily available to managers.
A complex project management app such as BidNexus allows you to sort all of your existing tenders by current status, including tenders scheduled to go live in the future, currently available projects, and projects that have successfully been awarded. At a glance, you can see exactly where each project is in its lifecycle.
We have worked very hard to make BidNexus the go-to app for donors and other organizations to organize, track and manage the entire bidding process. BidNexus is specifically designed to be fully integrated with DevelopmentAid databases and information resources, giving project managers a powerful tool to generate leads, identify suitable candidates, track proposals and hires, monitor expenses and ensure compliance with privacy laws, all in one easy-to-use app. Discover it now!